Monday, September 27, 2010

How and Why to Offer Customers Email Newsletters

Let's hear it for websites! They are so cool and sexy, a slick digital way to present your business online. But the real workhorse of the internet is EMAIL. Too bad email is not as sexy as websites. That's because we all associate it with spam.

But don't knock email just yet! Done properly email marketing is the most COST EFFECTIVE way to market your business online.

In fact the best online marketing strategy uses BOTH websites and email - in synergy.

KC's Online Marketing Rule of Thumb:
Split your online marketing budget equally between website and email marketing.

How do YOU do email marketing?

Are you already sending out some marketing emails? Are you using your emails software (e.g. Outlook, MacMail, Thunderbird...)?

Then you probably have dealt with BOUNCES and BLOCKS, both common occurrences.

What are BOUNCES?
BOUNCES occur when an email address can't be reached. Bounces happen when an email address is DEAD, the In-Box is FULL, or the service was UNAVAILABLE.

What are BLOCKS?
BLOCKS occur due to the many blacklists used to fight spam. They can be quite overzealous and even if you are not a spammer it is easy for you or your email server to be listed on one.

KC's Email Marketing Rule of Thumb:
Do NOT use your regular email software for mass mailings.

How YOU should do email marketing:

2) Use double opt-in email marketing
3) Use a reputable email marketing service (the most popular one is Constant Contact)
4) Any mail that goes to over 50 names should use an email service

Did you know that email newsletter services are a much more effective method of marketing?
Let us know if you need some help setting up an Email Marketing service with Constant Contact.

If you have a nonprofit you can even try a FREE email newsletter service from Vertical Response:


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